About Me

I have a very strange view on politics. I was raised in an entire family of devout Republicans, not just straight-ticket voters, but I'm talking right-wing fanatics! (I even have some good ol' Texas Republican politicians in my family - a certain notorious recent White House press secretary and his mother...) Myself, I'm a big believer in the concept that your personality traits as well your life ideologies are heavily genetic-based. You see, I'm adopted and share hardly a single common belief with almost anyone in my family about pretty much anything. Someone ought to do a study on that one day... Why am I taking this class? Well, to be honest, because it's part of my core curriculum and I don't have a choice. However, I do find Texas history and politics very interesting, and from my experience, most Texans don't know much about either! I would prefer to know truths rather than believe all the rumors - hence the somewhat sarcastic title to this blog.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Enough Already!!

We have almost lived with the oh-so-deadly h1n1 "swine flu" virus now for 2 whole weeks. Local stores have sold out of hand sanitizer and face masks. We have had the first fatality in the U.S.. Local school districts have cancelled school and extracurricular activities. I walk out of my front door every morning half expecting to see people rolling to work inside bubbles like huge hamsters. Seriously people, it's JUST THE FLU!! For the love of God! Yeah, tons of people get the flu each year, and yeah, unfortunately some do die. But holy crap! Unless you are an infant, or old and decrepit, you have really nothing at all to fear. Would getting it suck? You bet!! You's shoot out both ends for a couple of days before you got better. The one fatality we have had was a 2 year old infant of a family in Houston without healthcare that is rumored to be of a illegal resident status. This article from the Statesman even says that basically unless your arm falls off and you think it might be a side effect of the swine flu, then STAY HOME!!! Geez. I'm just so sick of hearing the media constantly whipping the public up into this frenzy like it's the freakin' black plague! At this point I'll voluntarily inject myself with swine flu in the eye ball if the media will agree to just drop this!